Wednesday, March 27, 2013


 For the background I just found a wallpaper thing online. I replaced the cupcake that was already on there(which looks better than mine) and put my original cupcake on there. I went to sloganizer to help me come up with a slogan. I wasnt real crazy about some of them and so I just took some of my own ideas and came up with it. For the Typography I just started typing and that was the last front I used and I thought it looked good so I went ahead and used that, just changed the color and size and tilt and everything. My target audience is moms and children who like cupcakes. With the background and the typography I feel it makes the advertisement look fun and tasty. The colors jst give it a happy feeling so I guess when you are eating the cupcakes it makes them taste that much better cause you are happy.

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